How to Do Competitor Keyword Research for Law Firms

Craig Wilson
Rapid Growth Marketing

Competitor keyword research involves delving into the specific words and phrases that drive your law firms competitors’ visibility on search engines. This essential process unveils valuable insights, shedding light on the strategies necessary for your website to climb the ranks. By understanding the organic keywords driving your competitors’ success, you gain a comprehensive insight into the market’s intricacies. These insights reveal the techniques employed by your rivals to captivate their audience, while also pinpointing potential content gaps within your own strategy.

The best part? Engaging in competitor keyword research doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In this quick guide I will share my processes and insights from running over 1000 successful SEO campaigns here at Rapid Growth Marketing and my other agency Sticky Digital. It is designed to simplify your keyword research efforts, even if you’re new to this field.

Understanding Competitor Keyword Research:

Competitor Keyword Research is more than just identifying what keywords your competitors are ranking for; it’s about dissecting their strategies and deciphering the puzzle of their online success. Here’s how you can master the process:

1. Identify Your Competitors:

Begin by identifying your main competitors online. These are the businesses that offer similar products or services to your target audience. They are your digital rivals, and understanding their keyword strategies can be transformative.

2. Use Competitor Analysis Tools:

Leverage online tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs. These tools offer in-depth competitor analysis, unveiling the keywords your rivals are ranking for, the traffic they’re generating, and the strategies they employ.

3. Analyze Their Website Content:

Scrutinise your competitors’ website content. Look for high-ranking pages and blog posts. What keywords are naturally integrated into their content? These are the keywords they are likely targeting intentionally.

4. Examine Meta Data and URLs:

Pay attention to their meta titles, meta descriptions, and URLs. These elements often contain crucial keywords. Analyse whether they are using specific keywords consistently across their site.

5. Understand Their PPC Strategies:

Investigate their Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns. The keywords they bid on reveal valuable insights. If they are investing in certain keywords, it’s a strong indication of their importance in their marketing strategy.

6. Study Social Media Channels:

Examine their social media channels. Social media posts often include trending and relevant keywords related to their industry. This insight can help you understand their audience engagement strategy.

7. Investigate Backlink Profiles:

Backlinks are powerful indicators of a website’s authority. Analyse their backlink profiles. Identify which keywords are commonly used as anchor texts. These are likely their target keywords.

8. Learn from Their Reviews and FAQs:

Customer reviews and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sections often contain language used by customers. Extract keywords from these sources, as they represent the words and phrases customers associate with the business.

9. Consider Local SEO Keywords:

If your business operates locally, focus on location-based keywords. Analyse how your competitors are optimising for local search. Local keywords can significantly impact foot traffic and online visibility.

10. Uncover Content Gaps:

Identify content gaps in your competitors’ strategies. Are there specific topics or keywords they haven’t covered? By addressing these gaps, you can attract an audience segment they might be missing.

11. Embrace Long-Tail Keywords:

While short and generic keywords are essential, don’t overlook long-tail keywords. These are specific phrases that can lead to high-conversion traffic. Long-tail keywords often represent users in the decision-making phase.

12. Track and Adapt:

Competitor Keyword Research is not a one-time task; it’s an ongoing process. Regularly monitor your competitors’ strategies. If you notice a shift in their focus, adapt your strategy accordingly.

Turning Insights into Action

Competitor Keyword Research is not about imitation; it’s about innovation. Armed with these insights, you can refine your content, revamp your SEO strategy, and tailor your PPC campaigns. It provides a roadmap to understand what works in your industry and what your audience values.

We have been able to help firms totally dominate their market by understanding the competitive landscape and then building an SEO strategy to suit their needs.

In digital marketing, knowledge is power. Competitor Keyword Research equips you with the knowledge to make informed decisions, stay ahead of trends, and position your business as an authority in your niche.

Of course, this can be a technical and time-consuming process, so if you’d prefer to work with experts with a proven track record of success with law firms, please book and meeting and let’s discuss your situation.

Need help with competitor keyword research for your law firm?

Rapid Growth Marketing is a dedicated marketing agency for lawyers specialising in SEO, Google Ads and professional websites. Our team has managed over 1000 successful SEO campaigns and survived and thrived through all the regular Google algorithm updates.


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